YMCA Barnsley Annual Report 2019 – 2020

A Message From The Chair

I am delighted to welcome you to the annual report of YMCA Barnsley. A showcase of our work within the local community.

Our team of dedicated, hardworking staff have continued to go above and beyond their remit culminating in the recommissioning of work within the central area to “Build Emotional Resilience and Wellbeing in Young People age 8–14 years”. This project runs alongside the other children’s and youth work programmes, all of which enable young people to reach their true potential. There has been a wide range of activities offered, to suit all, building confidence and enabling young people to develop skills to take through life. This has been particularly illustrated within Y Stay In, the 13-19 year-old youth group. Having approached the Board to ask if they could repurpose the IT suite to use as a safe space, they embarked on fund raising to raise money to refurbish the room. This shows the confidence they have gained to take control of their space and to engage with the Trustees in a positive manner. This can only bode well for the future of our organisation. The success of the projects has continued to grow as participation levels increase and relationships with third parties continue to expand. Likewise, our Young Volunteers continue their excellent role and have participated in YMCA 175 and Greenbelt where once again there has been fabulous feedback.

Staff and volunteers have worked hard to support the vulnerable within our community and through fund raising events have purchased equipment to support the homeless so that they have clean dry clothes. The Trustees of the organisation have continued to move forward in reviewing and implementing the Strategic Plan. This has been financially challenging at times, especially in securing funds to meet core costs. As Trustees, we work positively to ensure that young people for years to come have the resources and hence opportunities to make a positive contribution not only to their own lives but also to their communities.

As I write this the country is in lockdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic. These unprecedented times have brought their own challenges especially to our role and relationship with the children, young people and their families. For many this will have been a time of reflection but also a time to look forward. Whatever “new” normal lies ahead we look forward to re-opening our doors to offer support in whatever shape that may take. – Julie Enoch.

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Case Study – Greenbelt Volunteers

We are incredibly grateful to the team of youth workers from YMCA Barnsley who played an invaluable role in the delivery of the youth programme at the Christian Arts Festival – ‘Greenbelt’

Comprising of a team of employees and volunteers and expertly overseen by Christie MacFarlane, YMCA Barnsley led a team from 9 different YMCA’s across the UK to facilitate a drop in café, workshops and seminar programme.

Ensuring that young people in attendance at Greenbelt had an adult free space to call their own within the festival and space within which they could create their own Greenbelt, YMCA Barnsley exceeded the aspirations of the festival directors.

“We wanted to acknowledge a huge debt for all you’ve done to transform the way we deliver our youth programme and support young people at the festival over the last few years. On reflection, it’s been nothing short of a transformation! A miracle of sorts”.  – Paul Northup | Creative Director, GREENBELT

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Case Study – Worsborough Music

Young people from Worsborough had the opportunity to work with a final year music and technology student to write, record and produce their own music video. The young people explored the musical styles they liked and listened to, the different roles involved in creating music they were interested in and finally themes that they would like to write lyrics about. Themes discussed included the pressures of being a young person, SATS, bullying and fear of trying new things because they might fail at it.

“I am more confident in myself, I believe I can do whatever I put my mind to. I have learnt that being unique and being myself makes everyone a lot happier… The project has made me realise that I am special and I can do it.”

The young people were very engaged and excited about the project and its next steps. They all had particular aspects of creating music that they were interested in, some shared they could play an instrument and they also discussed areas they felt they lacked confidence in. One girl expressed that she loved to sing but was afraid of getting it wrong or failing so wouldn’t sing in front of others. Throughout the project she was able to overcome this fear and supported by others in the group was able to sing vocals on the track.

They experienced workshops on writing lyrics, creating /recording the music using instruments, creating the music using technology and recording the lyrics /vocals.

Throughout the process the young people were engaged and motivated by the project idea, which contributed to building the emotional resilience of those involved, challenging them to develop their skills, building on their interests and aspirations and expressing themselves in a new and exciting way.

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YMCA Barnsley Annual Report 2018 – 2019

A Message From The Chair

Welcome to our annual report for 2018-2019, giving an insight in to the work and focus of YMCA Barnsley.

2018 saw significant changes within our Association. The sale of the Eldon Street premises released much needed funds to maintain the Blucher Street site. Major work on the roof has now been completed and the building is once again watertight. To be effective in moving forward the upstairs of the premises was closed; as Trustees we felt that we could no longer be everything to everybody. These changes marked the start of the implementation of the strategic plan which is aligned to our vision of building a sustainable community to facilitate supporting children and young people to enable them to belong, contribute and thrive, underpinned by the Christian ethos. To create sustainability, we are currently exploring new avenues of income generation, so we are financially viable.

We are dedicated to empowering young people to reach their true potential. The case studies shown illustrate how young people can and have taken positive steps to change their lives. The projects delivered have been possible due to a team of hardworking and dedicated staff all of whom are valued assets of our Association. Our excellent reputation extends beyond the Borough as the Greenbelt report illustrates.

This annual report is just a brief glimpse into YMCA Barnsley. If you have been inspired by what you have read and would like to get involved, then do contact us – we would love to hear from you. – Julie Enoch

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