YMCA Barnsley Annual Report 2020-21

A Message From The Chair

I am pleased to introduce the annual report of YMCA Barnsley. In what has been a difficult year for everyone, we have tried to ensure that our work with young people has continued in some form to ensure they are supported during this difficult period. We have all learned new skills, be it for social media, zoom and teams and work outside of our buildings; our report this year shines a light on our work within the local community.

As ever our team of dedicated staff have continued to go above and beyond for us: across all our projects with support from our core admin team. Our staff and volunteers bring so much to the projects they are involved with, and to the wider work of the YMCA.

The Unity Project whose aim is to build emotional resilience and wellbeing in young people age 8–14 years will be so vital in moving forward and similarly our work within other projects including detached work in the Central and North Areas, Y Stay In for 13- 19’s, Young Volunteers, Short Breaks and Little Y will be key in supporting our young people as we re-open our centre based youth work.

We are now starting to emerge from the latest lockdown caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. For many this will have been another difficult period but hopefully it has also given the opportunity to reflect on what has passed and is a time to look forward to building on our work from 2019/20 taking positives from the last year where we can. However we emerge, our goal remains to support our young people to reach their full potential.

Sue Williams.